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lulei decoration main production:PVC windows,aluminum windows.

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Do not miss exciting to see the six tile types have excellent

   Kitchen tile is a face-saving projects, not only to look good and beautiful ceramic tile, the most important space in the kitchen "dire straits" life convenient and durable. Lots of tile classification, are not the same variety is called, which we choose to tile caused great trouble, here are reasonable grounds to help you, make a brick foundation behind the re-election not easy dizzy.
    Tiles according to function into floor tiles, wall tiles and waist line tiles; according to the process is divided into glazed tiles, whole body tiles, mosaic tiles and other types of basically come from these changes, and these bricks What are the characteristics of different spacesaluminum windows in the end The election that it?

    1, glazed

    Is glazed brick decoration of the most common species, as rich in color pattern, and anti-fouling ability, it is widely used in wall and floor coverings.

    Glazed tile is glazed tile surface after burning process of brick, according to the different sub-gloss glazed and matte glazed. Divided according to different raw materials: ceramic glazed, clay baked by the water absorption is high, generally relatively low intensity, the main features PVC windows of the back in red; ceramic glazed tiles, from baked clay, water rate is low, generally relatively high intensity, the main features of the back is gray.

    2, whole body tiles

    Whole body surface is not glazed brick, and the positive and negative material and color consistency. Whole body tiles is a wear-resistant tiles, although there is still bleed body tile and other species, but relatively speaking, its not as glazed colors. As the current interior design more and more inclined plain design, the whole body tiles is increasingly becoming a fashion, are widely used in the living room, hallway and outdoor walkways and other renovation projects on the ground; generally less cause for the wall. Most of the non-slip tiles are part of the whole body tiles.

    3, Polished

    Polished surface of the body is whole body polished tile made of a light brick, brick is a whole body. Relative to whole body tiles, the tiles on the surface to be smooth and more. Polished hard wear-resistant, suitable for addition to the bathroom, kitchen, interior space than most to use. Penetrating in the use of technology, based on the tiles can make all kinds of stone-, wood effect.

    Polished finish will leave uneven holes, these holes will accumulate dirt, and even some tea down on the tiles are conceding. Perhaps the industry aware of this, then some good quality tiles in the factory when they add a layer of anti-pollution level, but this layer is the layer of stain loss of whole body tiles brick effect. If you want to continue to whole body, they can only continue to brush the stain layer. Renovation sector has marked the construction of water before the wax to the practice of anti-fouling.

    4 tiles

    In order to solve the problem of dirty tiles easily occur, and the emergence of a tiles. Tiles in fact the whole tile. The smooth surface but do not need polishing, so there is no problem polishing pores.

    Polished tiles is enhanced, it uses high-temperature baked texture harder more durable than polished. There is no doubt that its price is also higher. Tiles are mainly used for floor tiles.

    5, Mosaic

    Mosaic tile size is the smallest variety, commonly known as bricks. Mosaic gives a nostalgic feeling, because it was more than a dozen years ago, decorative wall and floor materials. Mosaic combination might be too many changes, such as a plane, can be manifested in many ways: an abstract pattern, same color depth jump or transition, as do tile and other decorative materials, decorative patterns and so on. For surface or corner room, glass mosaic to better play its small body of expertise, able to complete a smooth arc was built of bread.

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zhejiang lulei decoration main production:PVC windows,aluminum windows.