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lulei decoration main production:PVC windows,aluminum windows.

« Material, ceramic tile should be deep cleaning and maintenance and summer refurbished In 2012 China building hardware industry way in which direction? »

2012 new energy conservation of the building will be a written letter

Implement the energy conservation of the building is a huge task, new energy conservation of the building is one of the dense a pen. Statistics show that every year in urban and rural areas in China for new construction area of about 2 billion square meters, of which the town every year new building area of 900 million square meters to 1 billion square meters. To the end of 2020, the national new 30 billion square meters of building area, the city will add 13 billion square meters, if these building all realization 50% of energy saving, it can save 160 million tons each year about BiaoZhunMei.PVC windows Good vision can become a reality, depend on the implementation of the new building energy conservation efforts.

New construction energy conservation work steadily all practical execution

Make new construction energy conservation work of building energy is the most basic, most firmly, the most serious demand, is also the advance of building energy efficiency first "means". New buildings energy saving catch is bad, other work or wasted effort, or don't grab. Prime minister wen jiabao in 2011 of the "two" aluminum windows government work report to put forward, should actively promote new building energy efficiency. Promote energy conservation of the building is new housing and urban and rural construction system is an important job in 2011. This is a system engineering, a difficult task. In 2011, the outstanding work, pay attention to all key mechanism innovation, vigorously promotes the supervision and implemented, the new construction energy conservation work steadily.

Inner Mongolia autonomous region in 2011 to strengthen the energy conservation of the building new supervisory work to speed up and energy saving the relevant standards, procedures, standard programming. At present, the design and construction of new buildings town are energy saving 65% of the implementation stage standard. In 2011, hefei new energy-saving building area of 13.306 million square meters, the newly built building energy efficiency 50% design standards ZhiHangLv 100%. Shandong province gradually perfect provincial, city and county level 3 building energy efficiency supervision system and the management mode and the energy conservation of the building cooperation linkage system, strictly implement the energy saving information bulletin, external insulation construction special qualification, building energy efficiency key positions and training qualifications system; The energy conservation standards ZhiHangLv and engineering quality, develop and gradually implement residential building energy saving 75%, public building energy efficiency design standards and 65% steadily towns and rural building energy efficiency. Zhejiang set up a project covers, design, construction, supervision and completion acceptance record and so on each link of building energy efficiency supervision mechanism, especially the full implementation of the construction drawing energy saving design special examination system, the energy conservation of the building "a vote FouJueZhi".

Strict implementation of the building energy efficiency design standard strengthen supervision is the key

New buildings energy saving a key to building energy efficiency design standards implementation. How to ensure that new buildings in the design, construction, completion acceptance, record and so on each link are strictly carry out building energy efficiency design standard is very important. To new buildings of energy saving of a slight lax supervision, will cause the energy conservation of the building standards should be at the new buildings reduced to the energy-saving building, then increase the energy consumption of the old buildings, to increase the energy saving reconstruction after the heavy burden.

In 2011, the housing and urban and rural construction system all over new buildings continued to strengthen the supervision of the executive conservation standard, focus on the following construction stage and the weak link, make full use of existing laws and regulations determine permission and system, establish the building energy efficiency design review, energy conservation project special construction quality supervision, building energy saving special acceptance, energy efficiency in buildings identification, assessment system for energy conservation of the building information bulletin, in order to realize from the design, the construction drawing examination, the construction, the completion acceptance for the record to the whole process of the sale and use of supervision mechanism. At the same time, further strengthen the energy conservation of the building materials, products in production, circulation and use the link quality supervision, strict engineering access. Housing and urban and rural construction department all strengthen supervision and check, punishment strength also further strengthen.

Actively promote energy conservation of the building new technology many way to promote

At present, the new building energy efficiency in the technical level is mainly some new buildings energy saving technology system are not perfect, some new buildings outside the exterior wall insulation structure such as cracking, the drum, appear even some fall off; Energy-saving Windows some hollow glass sealing material doesn't pass, the air to enter and winter fog or appear the knot shows a phenomenon; Some new buildings heating system lack of commissioning, unable to building energy efficiency standard requirements of operation and energy efficiency building technology, products, materials not selectivity of. These phenomena can influence the realization of the whole building energy efficiency. Therefore, housing and urban and rural construction system, actively promote energy conservation of the building use new technology, new technology, new material and new equipment.

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zhejiang lulei decoration main production:PVC windows,aluminum windows.