Industry News

lulei decoration main production:PVC windows,aluminum windows.

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Illegal removal of 20,000 square meters Taiyuan fire insulation

    Around the building for the deep drawing fire insulation materials, the painful lessons of effective containment building flammable, combustible insulation materials, fire, accident, off to a good source of fire prevention and control, and further implementation of the "Big Five" PVC windows event, September 1, Taiyuan high-tech fire brigade battalion led to the construction site area to carry out construction works in civil construction insulation materials, special fire safety checks.

     Inspection team has on the Granada Technology Co., Ltd. Taiyuan, Taiyuan Industrial Technology Development Co., Ltd., the joint construction site in the wall insulation inspection, the inspection process, the inspection team in strict accordance with the "civil decoration wall insulation systems and provisional Regulations on fire, "the relevant requirements in the building's exterior wall construction material witness sampling and monitoring of inspection work carried out checks. Check Granada Technology Co., Ltd. found in Taiyuan, aluminum windows Taiyuan Industrial Technology Development Co., Ltd. joint wall insulation is polyurethane material, in violation of "Taiyuan Fire Services Ordinance," the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 21, which, the group checked personnel immediately on the scene of the photo evidence, fill out the supervision and inspection records, the collection and collation of relevant evidence of the unit, the inspector issued according to law, "shall order a correction notice" to require the construction unit of approximately 19,000 square meters of demolition deadline failure exterior wall material, the use by the fire department inspected material.

     Through this inspection, effectively eliminating the source of a number of potential fire hazards and improve the construction project responsible for the fire safety awareness and promote the implementation of fire safety responsibility system for safe and stable area of the fire lay a solid foundation.

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zhejiang lulei decoration main production:PVC windows,aluminum windows.