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lulei decoration main production:PVC windows,aluminum windows.

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The correct choice of protective agent and stone notes

   Protectant is to ensure the correct selection of stone conservation project quality stone one of the key factors. Each stone Protectant is not a panacea, and its performance mainly in the universal applicability, that is effective for most of the stone. But the other hand, there is the particularity of each product, that is certain (a) a particularly fine stone or performance is not satisfactory or even invalid. Based on thisaluminum windows , we use stone protective agent must be for different stone varieties, in different environments, different processes and different installation requirements for protecting the right choice under. If you choose properly, not only in protection after construction to achieve desired results, but will make the problem even more serious and complicated.

    The stone on the conservation of Haihong Stone Co., Ltd. has long been engaged in research and production of protective agent, combined with engineering practice, the correct choice of protective agent for stone gained some experience, and chose to use stone repellant made some notes and recommendations, to discuss this with you in:

    A selection of stone Protectant

    1. Protection requirements under the Party's choice:

    If the protection is intended to prevent efflorescence, rust, etc., commonly used type of stone repellant silicone can achieve the desired effect.PVC windows Such as "Green Angels" HB-G118, G168, G710, G711, G713, etc.; if the purpose of protection is a comprehensive water and dirt capacity, generally organic fluorine-based protective agent in order to achieve the desired effect of stone. Such as "Green Angels" HB-G778, G788 pollution-stone repellant.

    2. According to the environment stone installation options:

    If the stone is used for outdoor protection recommended to choose "green angel" HB-G700G710, G711, G713, G788 and other oil-based protective agent for stone processing. Because oil repellant anti-aging ability is stronger than water, so some of life is also longer; if it is selected in addition to the indoor oil repellant protective stone, you can also choose HB-G118, G168, G778 and other water-repellant surface stone treatment. As the indoor environmental impact by less, so the impact on the life of the product is relatively small, inexpensive water-repellant natural favorite for many customers.

    3. According to Stone's installation process selection:

    Wet paste and grouting of stone, usually granite suggested the use of HB-G713 to do two times the front and side protection on it (through the national testing authority). If you do not worry, you can then HB-G633 to the underside of the protective treatment. Bottom Protectant Protectant selection should focus on the alkali resistance, and can not affect the fastness of stone and cement. Marble wet paste can choose to HB-G118, G168, G700, G710, G711, G713 do first surface water treatment, sandstone surface select HB-G700, G168 do surface treatment, and then in the bottom with the HB-G633, G733 water-resistant base to do treatment. The use of hanging stone, use the standard main focus of stone Protectant waterproof, you can use HB-G118, G168, G710, G711, G713 and other products.

    4. If the compact structure of the stone, such as Spain, beige, slate and other stone suggested the use of oil-repellant. Such as "Green Angels" HB-S301, G710, G711, G713, etc. Because of the solvent composition of the infiltration, more depth to the stone inside for protection. It should be noted, the structure of dense black stone, the general protective agent will deepen the color of stone, should be handled with care; for the general structure of stone, stone oil and water repellant can be used. Such as "Green Angels" HB-G118, G168, G700, G710, G711, G713, etc.

    5. If it is a restaurant, stove, lane or other place easily contaminated, organic fluorine-type surface is recommended to improve the stone surface of the stone Protectant anti-fouling ability.

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zhejiang lulei decoration main production:PVC windows,aluminum windows.