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lulei decoration main production:PVC windows,aluminum windows.

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Old furniture, recycling waste into environmentally friendly change new wave era

      Every five to eight years, the furniture products will enter the phase-out period to deal with them in the eyes of consumers has become a big problem. At present, the building materials industry has not yet introduced similar policies such as home appliance trade, building materials, furniture and more used as a disposal of the waste. This expert said, used furniture, building materials, recycling is a great space.

It is understood that, although abandoned wooden furniture are garbage, but most people that have been able to take the trash to save their flowers freight handled. In addition, doors, flooring and other wood waste products are removed there is a case of garbage. And steel materials, large plastic household goods, aluminum windows the consumer re-decoration process, directly into the garbage had to objectively increased the state environmental protection, emission reduction more difficult.

    Old furniture market conditions - recycling old furniture brand sales will drop

    According to insiders, in some European companies, have long begun to explore how to implement waste re-use. "In Germany, many furniture companies will be recycled from old furniture, and production is difficult to use branches, tree branches used to generate electricity burning." Responsible for a furniture sales person said that the approach not only reduces the need for trees deforestation, but also for the nearly two million households near the plant provides ample power consumption.

    However, PVC windows our furniture, building materials enterprises in China, almost no one mentioned the topic of recycling. In addition to scrap yards, old furniture, building materials seems to be no other end of the. Why are we building on the old furniture no one is interested it? Not I do not recall, I recall a useless, may also have been questioned for no reason. A furniture store manager explained that some of the small plates of old furniture factory will be shattered and re-processed into new, but this board is generally difficult to meet environmental standards. If I make recycling old furniture, my competitors will be pointed at my furniture, said: Look! It is recycled sheet made! This not smashed my own signs?

    Industry insiders, although a lot of furniture products can be used for many years, but most of the real use of building materials, furniture, period, is within a decade, generally five to eight years more in furniture, style, material enters a phase cycle. In particular, the owners began a second renovation when the original building materials, furniture, these products will become unsightly garbage. Old furniture and newly renovated room is not a good match, find someone to carry down the stairs, trying not any person to sell old furniture, the result has carried up to, and toss in a white. Interview, I heard so many consumers have had the embarrassing experience.

    Although the furniture sales business in general do not want to take the initiative to recycle old furniture of the family who won, but according to some internal decoration news, the country has few large-scale home improvement company, has some money recycling old furniture, old wood and fabric, with in energy recovery.

    Forestry experts recommend - do not discard the old furniture of low-carbon, should be recycled

    Waste wood furniture, for most people, able to clear away garbage has to save their own to deal with the freight spend. Doors, flooring and other wood waste products, there are also removed to become garbage situation. And steel materials, large plastic household goods, the consumer then the process of renovation, but also directly into the trash can, an objective to increase the social environment, reduction more difficult. Nanjing Forestry University, said experts in forestry engineering, building materials, furniture re-use of waste products is to a large room, with wooden building materials, for example, waste wood products can be formed through the processing of wood flooring, skirting, laminate flooring substrate, recycled paper and so on, crushing the wood can be made of plywood and other processed, effectively reducing the use of new wood; iron can be recycled building materials made of steel raw materials; renovated other waste can be processed as recycled brick, recycled cement and recycled aggregate ... ...

    Industry sources, there are a number of professional recycling of waste building materials furniture business there. Some building materials, home improvement companies are concerned about the whereabouts of the problem from the waste material, waste recycling feasibility of building materials, and even more feasible than the old electrical appliances processing, some companies have begun to try to learn from experience in the appliance industry, expand the furniture renewal action.

    Old furniture enthusiasts creative - Fun and good taste of the old furniture

    Although a lot of decoration and building materials companies also bothered to recycle or store old furniture, renovation, and many fans have started imagination and creativity, setting off a wave of the old play. Maybe just spend a little thought, it allows many new life to old furniture brought out. Clothed yourself, a lot of play has become a family to save the old slogan of the old furniture.

    Old, has not only a representation, but the depth of bone marrow. From the material to process and then to design, from China to European and American classical furniture, classical furniture, to the neo-classical, rustic, Mediterranean-style, old furniture everywhere.

    In some well-known old furniture market, many distinctive ship wood furniture, is the use of a dip in the sea hundreds of thousands of wood made of. There are quaint old elm furniture, some of which are recovered in Shanxi and other places to do out of the manger. With these old materials, make the furniture has been distributed out of a rich old-fashioned. But after all the old material more difficult to find ready-made, it can only do old, modern furniture will make this expression means more personalized.

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zhejiang lulei decoration main production:PVC windows,aluminum windows.