Industry News

lulei decoration main production:PVC windows,aluminum windows.

S four innovative lighting industry marketing model

    To survival and development, technological innovation is certainly essential, but marketing innovation can not be overlooked. In fact, tend to invest less marketing innovation, but also more economic benefits. However, specifically how to do this is worthy of our business thought.

Jinhua domestic service is "crying wolf"?

    Most Chinese urban domestic service companies small and scattered, the lack of standardized management, market competition show disordered state. This year in August, the National Family Services aircraft carrier "three for" into the Jinhua.

Home improvement peace of mind must know: do not worry about fitting

     Decoration decoration company has warranty period,  how to solve the housing decoration of small problems? Wall cracking, tiles fall off, the bathroom is leaking out ... ... is really a decorated pieces of distracting thing. If during the warranty period, brand home improvement company a month.

Effects of poorly decorated home improvement company is behind the collapse of subtraction

    Today has been a home improvement company to offer home improvement design and simplified the whole puzzle, so that home improvement simple and transparent.
    That decoration, consumers are most worried about is after the arrival they found the room and imagination far,PVC windows does not meet their own preferences and needs. Meanwhile, the price trap ambush everywhere but also allow consumers to keep track of.


Gangster against the majority of state regulation of home heating low-key winter Baotuan

    Turning to major events at home in 2010, "State control" There is no doubt become one of the most industry attention to the key word this year, April 14 to 20, six days, the introduction of a property known as the New Deal "in the history of the most severe control measures. "

Association of Chinese security industry explore the development direction of the General Assembly

    China, the third member of the security industry associations and the Third Congress of the first meeting of the Council on November 20 in Beijing.
    During the second session of the Council meeting on technology innovation in security, security product development, security market development, product testing and other aspects of security have made outstanding contributions to the 13 units were commended, and elected the third council of the Chinese security industry associations .


Shenzhen Telecom: Fast Optical Network "playing" HD

    Information hub in Building, Futian District, China 电信营业厅, Shenzhen Telecom can be seen as a "flagship store." Entered the operating room, the reporter was a row of characters --- "look at that?
    Definition of broadband Internet era, "attracted. This is the Shenzhen Telecom" My e home "broadband Internet audio-visual business exhibition, in a very prominent location.


Collection of lively secondary market nowadays hidden behind the latent

    "Do not worry, I suggest you up the alarm ... ..." Recently, Li, Mianyang City Collectors Association of Lighting Association is working with some members to discuss matters relating to the annual inspection, was suddenly interrupted by a phone call, the caller is a Maidaojiahuo collectors.

Construction of Qinghai Province to carry out fire safety special rectification

    Office of Housing and Urban Construction of Qinghai Province, to take effective measures to carry out a province-wide fire safety construction rectification work.

    The remediation activities will take special measures in five areas: First, a careful analysis of Xining City, the recent building fire occurred in two deep-seated reasons behind the accident, in particular, whether the material in the admission of qualified construction company is legitimate, whether the supervision enterprises due diligence, the administrative law enforcement is in place so thoroughly the cause. PVC windows According to the relevant provisions of the responsible units and persons responsible for serious treatment; second is the weak link in the development of improved fire safety management system construction, the implementation of fire safety responsibility system. Third, in conjunction with public security and fire, quality supervision departments in the immediate construction projects, especially the reform of existing buildings, construction expansion project investigation and management of fire hazards. Focus on enterprises and projects in the implementation of fire safety responsibility system; construction site fire-fighting equipment,aluminum windows fire fighting facilities and fire channels set with the situation; construction electricians, welders and other special operations personnel training and fire safety education certificates situation; construction hot work site whether the corresponding rules and standards requirements, and take appropriate fire prevention measures; construction site, living area is in strict accordance with the temporary quarters electricity consumption norms, the existence of illegal use of high-power lighting, heating, electric heating appliances and other aspects; for building external wall insulation systems and decorative works, whether carried out in accordance with the requirements of the relevant provisions of fire safety design and construction of the six aspects of the investigation. On the investigation found a hidden danger, to urge enterprises to immediate rectification. The discovery of significant problems, to supervise the handling. Fourth, crack down on illegal activities in construction. In accordance with relevant laws and regulations, depth to crack down on illegal construction violations of the special action. Does not apply to crack down on building construction permits and other legal procedures, without engaging in construction activities, behavior, and illegal subcontracting, outsourcing, anchored to the behavior of non-construction building construction enterprise qualification certificates, without safety production license, no action special operations personnel Certificate for construction activities, which refused to implement the relevant government departments issued a rectification notice and other acts of suspension. Fifth, organize the preparation of building energy efficiency experts material research, design, construction and other aspects of local norms and standards.


Less desirable home improvement home improvement companies keen to do simple method

    That decoration, consumers are most worried about is after the arrival they found the room and imagination far, does not meet their own preferences and needs.
    Meanwhile, the price trap ambush everywhere but also allow consumers to keep track of. Today has been a home improvement company to offer home improvement design and simplified the whole puzzle, so that home improvement simple and transparent.


zhejiang lulei decoration main production:PVC windows,aluminum windows.