Industry News

lulei decoration main production:PVC windows,aluminum windows.

False liquid wallpaper industry professionals about the purchase method

    In the present mixed society, the actual situation changes, real to the enemy. There is no doubt, good prospects for the development of liquid wallpaper. Three advantages: better environmental performance, greater effectiveness and quality of artistic beauty better. It is precisely because of its good prospects for development, so, emitting more and more so-called "liquid wallpaper factory."


Marriage age can not bare naked car models recommended $ 100,000

   Recently, one called "naked marriage age" drama is hit, causing many viewers, especially into the marriageable age "80" on the "Naked Wedding" or discussion.
    For this part of the 80 consumer groups concerned, with a strong flavor of the times they are popular in the house has become a near impossible task at the same time, be able to use their struggle as soon as possible in line to buy their own temperament, and let the quality of married life seems to rapidly improve the car a top priority, and for this part of the consumers, their demand for cars becomes very complicated,PVC windows we must have full fashion sense, but also with a higher cost , and the vehicle's fuel consumption and maintenance costs can not be too expensive later.


David decorative base decorated with more confidence to monitor the new model's first decorative Qingdao

    Market in Qingdao, the company's renovation of the decoration of uneven standards, coupled with the "road guerrillas' involvement, making the decorative industry increased year by year rate of consumer complaints. Many consumers in the decoration process, due to information asymmetry caused by their consumer rights are being infringed, and nowhere rights complaints, all grievances can pharynx to the stomach.

Home improvement company entered a new era of big stores is not easy to shop is not difficult to develop

    June 18, house music out of actually home decoration, furniture Shilihe Avenue in nearly ten thousand square meters out of the big stores. At the same time, stretch the 1:1 finished decorative home improvement stores are also big into trial operation status. So far, Beijing's brand into all the decoration company "big shop" era. Before a single primary material with different modes of exhibition hall, now the home improvement company to open large stores increasingly focused on creating features, some companies have large stores across the country as a successful business model, a new era of big store quietly opened.


Solid wood cabinets cabinet industry sought to inject new life into hardcover

     Interior decoration materials and equipment, a wide range of replacement fast. To control the overall quality of the decoration and building material for residential parts of the interior of the impact, the developer of the decoration project procurement, construction, process control is very strict. According to related statistics, the developer of the key products of the most valued quality and environmental protection.


Home furniture business leveraging microblogging marketing executives eager to micro-Bo

    As Internet users increasingly sought after micro-Bo, a lot of sensitive sense of smell to find a home business promotion, marketing the brand new way - microblogging marketing. CEOs in companies or enterprises to establish a micro-blog to express some of the services, and management's view, while the timely disclosure of recent promotions, and even some original products, "sun" out of the use of star power fans spread to the provincial to the advertising, but also a great amount of communication. The open microblogging platform, is becoming an indispensable new home business marketing channels.


Free flame retardant insulation material buried city building safety hazards

   Businesses to reduce costs, the extensive use of ordinary benzene without flame retardant panels. According to the survey found, Lanzhou building's exterior wall materials and problems, without flame retardants kept hidden.


United States, "Ying-speed particles' thermal technology to achieve 50% of building energy efficiency

     Hainan is located in the tropics, how to make the building environmentally friendly energy in the hot sun as the construction of new issues. Currently, two East Road Haidian Island Haikou part of resettlement housing and Chengmai ecological community and is testing a software park building energy-saving technologies the United States, PVC windows "Ying-speed particles", to achieve more than 50% of building energy efficiency. The company hopes will be extended to this building insulation technology protection of housing construction in the province.


West usher in the development of metal mold machinery industry usher in new opportunities

     CPPCC, NPC deputies heard and considered the two reports. From the "two sessions" report came to power one of the most information - the policy continued to force the western development ushered in a new decade. Further promote the development of the west means that the western metal mold machinery and electronics industry will be a golden opportunity. International Mould & Metal & Plastic Industry Suppliers Association, the Permanent Secretary, China International Economic Development Research Center, industry guest researcher Luobai Hui said metal mold industry is a significant association with the great national industry, covering various industries needed for development, has been been called the "gold industry." At present, China is in the mid-industrialization, automotive, electronics, home appliances,PVC windows building materials, steel, mold, machine strong momentum in high-growth industry, metal industry, will constitute a huge market demand.


Flooring industry, raw material price hikes not to say the market downturn in prices

    In the log sheet, from 2011, has been subject to freight, labor, raw material price increases, soaring timber prices can be described. Aftermath of the financial tsunami and hurricane shocks after shuffling, plywood and March 2010 came the long-lost "rise", plywood, MDF, particle board, finger-board price market began to rally turns there, With timber prices continue to rise after, plywood price increases followed, PVC windows a few varieties of the price even reaching record highs. Can be said that wood-based panel industry is facing a new round of economic cycle. The future, with the consumer empowerment and consumer attitudes and the implementation of natural forest protection project in decoration, furniture, packaging, shipbuilding, automotive and other industries the demand for wood-based panel will usher in a new growth peak.


zhejiang lulei decoration main production:PVC windows,aluminum windows.