Industry News

lulei decoration main production:PVC windows,aluminum windows.

Shun Feng Jie Group fingers come to visit and inspect Mengjing Li

     July 27, visit the fingers Mengjing Li Shun Feng Jie Group study tours for corporate groups, on both sides to seek a win-win cooperation, and further communication and exchange in-depth discussions.

 After hearing about the company's leadership after the peak fingers, fingers Mengjing Li Feng insist on the spirit of self-developed highly praised,PVC windows and the company's current growth that encourages rapid development.


Kathmandu to run auxiliary equipment and stainless steel components well-known brands ten

    The theme of "responsibility to influence innovation" 2010-2011 Top Ten selection activities in the food industry July 13, 2011 was officially launched in Shanghai, the current activity is in the hot application stage. The poll aims to recognize outstanding share exciting, brand, through channels, affecting the terminal, identify opportunities, this grand development.PVC windows Activities will lead to social selection of Chinese food industry, food machinery and packaging machinery business survival of the state's attention; help establish a good good corporate image, enhance corporate visibility, enhance brand awareness; establish a benchmark for the industry, to stimulate food companies competed excellence, devote themselves to development, thus contributing to the health food industry, fast, steady pace; a certain extent, for the food processing and related enterprises to create business communication, expert consulting opportunities, facilitate transactions and promote advances in management philosophy.aluminum windows Final results will be November 29, 2011 in Beijing Diaoyutai State Guesthouse wonderful show.

Northeast region's largest cultural sudden emergence of the printing industry development zone

  Shuangyang To speed up the development of cultural industries, building a professional park, the goal is to build Shuangyang cultural industries as the leading industry. An area of ??200 hectares, can accommodate 200 printing enterprises in China Industrial Development Zone, Changchun culture settled Sheling street, is the largest in Northeast China's cultural industry development zone printing. Ji Lin Dongmao now introduce packaging products factory, China Metallurgical Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Beijing, PVC windows Dalian Indian industry, long reported that the Group and dozens of companies. Park was approved by the provincial government named the "culture of the printing industry, the provincial development zone", the provincial development zone enjoying preferential policies.


"Taiyuan Fire Services Ordinance" will be held on September 1 officially implemented

     The Twenty-Fourth Session of the 11th Provincial People's Congress votes to approve, "Taiyuan Fire Services aluminum windows Ordinance" will be held on September 1 officially implemented. "Regulations" relating to fire safety responsibilities, fire prevention, fire organization, fire fighting and emergency rescue, supervision and legal responsibility and so on. Also provides that (village) committee is responsible for nine categories of persons who shall accept the professional fire safety training.


Guigang steel plant gas leak nearly 200 people were poisoned

   [Courier] industry

    Guangxi Industrial gas leak 103 people were poisoned and 14 people with severe Room

    Abstract: The Voice of China "News" report, Guigang City steel mill steel pipes with gas last night (28) around 8 leak, according to on-site rescue firefighters said, have caused 103 people were poisoned. Details of the rescue site, we'll connect Guigang Center for Fire Brigade propaganda. [More]


Car damaged car decoration led to cosmetic companies bear responsibility for compensation

  [Case of playback]

Wang driving your car to a car decoration company to "car beauty" - as the car windscreen of the film. Engineering staff in the company of a decorative film process, improper operation, resulting in water damage to the vehicle's BCM computer. BCM computer for repairs, aluminum windows spending a total of Wang in the 4S shop repairs 2023 yuan.


Law school branding terminal "green energy model"

   Outdoor temperature as high as 35 ℃, but the interior still feels breeze was blowing. Newly installed ceiling fan is rotating slowly, more than 6,000 square meters of clothing shops, only a central air conditioning at work, set the temperature to 27 ℃. This alternate use of air conditioning fans, can effectively drive heat, air conditioning can bring physical harm to a minimum,PVC windows but also an effective energy conservation, and store the same size compared to about one-third savings in electricity consumption in summer.


Jinan release energy-saving construction project management guide

   Recently, Shandong Province, Jinan City, Housing and Rural Construction Committee, Municipal Finance Bureau, the Municipal Utility Board issued a "Jinan existing residential building energy-saving project management guide", called for strengthening the management of the construction process to ensure that existing residential buildings for heat metering and energy-saving project quality.


Lianyungang "Forbidden City" East City taking the new step

    First phase of opening a bumper crop

     Recently, located in Lianyungang Development Zone, Sunbeam Road, East Town Development International fashion materials (Lianyungang) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to Lianyungang, East China City) the first phase of A1, B1 Zone grand opening,PVC windows where A1 District, City of East China Leather Trade Center, B1 zone City of East China international Home decoration building materials trading center of about 200,000 square meters.


Harbin initiated discharge patients as the focus of the Hundred Days campaign of activities

   "Just happened last week, Street 58, Nangang District, Union Ministry of partial collapses of residential buildings, is constructed of illegal abuse of a private construction has significant impact accident." July 26 news conference on a special notification Harbin, with immediate effect to the end of October, Harbin, carried out to combat "illegal" enterprises, PVC windows investigation and management of risk-focused "to ensure safety and promote development" Hundred Days campaign of activities, with emphasis on road transport, construction, fire, non-coal mines, dangerous chemicals, etc. implementation of the five areas of inventory, and will introduce new measures to deal with a series of urban problems.


zhejiang lulei decoration main production:PVC windows,aluminum windows.