Industry News

lulei decoration main production:PVC windows,aluminum windows.

Green decorative children's room of the four areas to be strictly

  Children's resistance is weak, for children to create a green living environment is particularly important. Therefore, the children's room of building materials to choose environmentally friendly materials, but the green is not simply decorative use of green materials, because the decorative decorative materials processing, construction, usage, and even temperature and humidity will affect the release of harmful substances. Therefore, the children's room decor green four aspects need to be strictly from that green building, green construction, testing and treatment.


Do not let the promotion of home decoration autumn lost your eye

   It is understood that most people are accustomed to when buying holiday promotions, believing it will save a small fortune than the original price of money, everyone knows, a lot of "promotion" does not allow consumers to get benefits, after all, than to sell to buy smart, do not lose money in business.


Beijing does not see non-electronic commerce transformed the company's decorative arts

    With China's rapid economic development and state support of enterprise information, e-commerce has developed rapidly in recent years. Changes caused by the wave of e-commerce, e-commerce and gradually penetrate to the traditional industries, in the traditional chain of companies began large-scale migration to the Internet, the SME e-commerce penetration rate will gradually increase, the use of third-party e-commerce trading platform increased risk. The first half of 2011 and future years, China's B2B e-commerce market will show a trend of diversification.


Face two major retail and engineering companies what marketing channels integrated ceiling moves

    Integrated ceiling can be divided into retail sales channel and engineering, fine decoration and personalization in the simultaneous development of today, the enterprises have started to adjust the ceiling integrated marketing strategy, project-based companies want to integrate the production ceiling is idle then the retail single, integrated retail-type ceiling engineering companies want to take a single off-season, are trying to expand market share, but the retail and engineering, after all, two completely different sales channels, like single and retail project at the same time do one need to integrate all aspects of corporate strength to support ceiling.


Market Watch: Golden nine silver ten doors of the market or mixed

  Gold 9 silver 10 coming to the doors of the manufacturers and distributors have brought hope, but also challenges in the face of this year's gold 9 silver 10, door manufacturers and distributors mixed! Gold nine of ten silver occasion, the doors of business competition promotion season, in addition to none, it is also great wooden doors manufacturers the opportunity to expand the market. However, due to enter the traditional marketing season, a lot of doors manufacturers are bound to greatly expand, which will inevitably increase to some extent, had the fierce market competition. Wooden door manufacturers in expanding the market while avoiding a vicious price war.


Future development should focus on architectural coatings market, real estate

  China's accelerated urbanization process, people demand more and more of life, so far, the Chinese architectural coatings market has taken shape foreign (joint venture) companies, large state-owned enterprises and private enterprises to the three pillars. In total up to more than 4,000 construction coating business, there is such a private enterprise is particularly attention. It was incorporated in 2004, winning a series in just four years after the Beijing Olympic Games outside the Olympic Village as well as decorative exterior insulation engineering Games 2009 National Games Village, Jinan, aluminum windows Shandong project, as the industry's only dual atop businesses. It is the Beijing Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. Brother John High.


Reminder: What aspects of home improvement costs prone to loopholes

  Cost about decoration, the owners fear most is the renovation before the budget review is not careful, lead to loopholes, and finally only  have no place to appeal a bitter.
    In fact, despite the offer decorative loopholes that may exist in many forms but usually are several major variants of the owners if they knew the vulnerability of the main form, generally will not have too many flaws may appear.


Future development should focus on architectural coatings market, real estate

 China's accelerated urbanization process, people demand more and more of life, so far, the Chinese architectural coatings market has taken shape foreign (joint venture) companies, large state-owned enterprises and private enterprises to the three pillars. In total up to more than 4,000 construction coating business, there is such a private enterprise is particularly attention. It was incorporated in 2004, winning a series in just four years after the Beijing Olympic Games outside the Olympic Village as well as decorative exterior insulation engineering Games 2009 National Games Village, Jinan, aluminum windows Shandong project, as the industry's only dual atop businesses. It is the Beijing Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. Brother John High.


Dulux "without adding" wall paint to create a secure environment for children

    According to the survey, the children's room renovation and decoration materials, paint the biggest hidden dangers, which contains formaldehyde and benzene is the biggest killer of children's health. At present, some paint volatile hazardous substances by smell and instruments are difficult to distinguish, but there are sensitive populations such as children is not a small impact. Therefore, use environmentally-friendly renovation materials,PVC windows reduce pollution, the baby's healthy growth is essential.

Indoor environmental industry development have been identified as key sectors

  Recently, China Indoor Environment Monitoring Committee meeting in Beijing to discuss the development of the "five" during the industry development plan.

    The meeting summed up 10 years of industry experience in the full investigation and solicit expert opinion, based on the introduction of a "national indoor environmental industry," second Five Year Plan "to promote technology and product topics Guide." "Twelve Five" period, China's environmental protection industry will focus on the development of indoor 3 pillar industries and key services to six major areas,aluminum windows and focus on promotion of 20 indoor environmental technologies and products.


zhejiang lulei decoration main production:PVC windows,aluminum windows.