Industry News

lulei decoration main production:PVC windows,aluminum windows.

Harbin three quarters of the decoration market labor costs rose two percent

    10, the reporter from the National Bureau of Investigation Team was informed of Harbin, Harbin part based on sample survey of business investment in fixed assets in construction and installation and decoration engineering, three quarters of Harbin labor costs rose 19.3 percent, aluminum windows the highest since 2010, a new high. Among them, the ordinary workers labor costs rose 20%; project management labor costs up 17%; engineering and technical personnel labor costs rose 16.8%.


Chu's first real estate business model UNPROFOR new ways of financing on housing prices

    The most important feature of this model is that, when other members do not need to use models, a single company to obtain the mortgage credit equivalent amount or more, one of the largest insurance groups available all across the United line of credit, far more than individual members The total value of real estate collateral.


Furniture lacquer to protect a broad housing market challenges and opportunities

     Recently, the state released statistics show that the end of September, the national affordable housing and urban shantytowns housing has started 9.86 million units, 98% operating rate, which has over 15 provinces this year's tasks. Broad protection for the furniture, paint industry, housing market offers a ride in the world. At the same time, as the new home decoration formaldehyde events are frequently exposed, furniture, paint is also criticized. So, faced with security housing market, furniture paint industry needs to seek a breakthrough in the opportunity, will promote the industry forward into the challenges and development.


Jinan optional decorative materials decoration business to remind the warranty company should

    Trade and Industry Bureau of Jinan City, the city has organized personnel engaged in decoration industry operators investigation, announced the decoration industry against the legitimate interests of consumers "King terms", while reminding consumers to choose decorative materials decoration companies should be responsible for the warranty .


Hidden home improvement project experts recommend a third party complaint and more acceptance

   To bring the decoration, people tend to pay attention to spatial pattern, design and other "prestige projects", while ignoring the decoration "in project", that is usually called "hidden works." In fact, the hidden quality of the project will have a direct impact on people's daily lives. Huizhou City, Decoration Industry Association, the king However, Sen introduced recently, complaints about the quality of the decoration, because of the hidden works, but the dispute off a large proportion.


Integrated ceiling into the market alone show why the concept needs to cultivate

    Demand from the market

    Product image is good, but also to do the market good, really be called good. The market is mainly determined by the consumer, many commodity producers to follow the market because of consumer demand on R & D production. But manufacturers are not passively waiting for the consumer decisions in this process can make a difference, you can take the initiative, integrated ceiling is so can be said that manufacturers and distributors together in guiding the market, affecting even the cultivation of consumer concept. Doing so, may have to pay a larger cost, or bear the risk. The reason why manufacturers and distributors to do so is a last resort. In recent years, the market value into the aging period, PVC windows manufacturers have struggled to be improved, but with little success, the same dealers who have been "adverse impacts." In short, we are looking for a breakthrough, to ride out the storm Bureau. The profit is not high original ceiling decoration, decoration project market share compared to much smaller share of the ceiling, the average household usually only 200 to 300 yuan level of consumption, the profit can be imagined. In such circumstances, aluminum windows some people put a fire of wisdom, put forward the ceiling and "Yuba" together, which really enable manufacturers, dealers were happy for a while, letting them see a bright future, we same boat, swear to integrate into the ceiling to do households.


Analysis: Four decorative coatings industry trends and market changes

    Coating commonly known as "paint" is a solid cover can be in the surface, the protective, decorative, signs and other special uses of the chemical mixture, usually by the base material (resin, bonding agent), pigments, fillers, solvents and a small amount of functionality additives and other components, the classification of their products more to take this industry classification, is about to paint into industrial coatings, marine (ships) coatings, architectural coatings, wood coatings, automotive coatings. At the same time, we will paint architectural coatings and furniture as a "home decorative coatings."


Knowledge: Know integration related presentations ceiling Lvkou Ban

     First, what is Lvkou Ban?

    Lvkou Ban: A 1990s the emergence of a new type of ceiling decoration materials, mainly used for kitchen and bathroom ceiling works. As Lvkou Ban all metal used to build the whole project, in life and environmental protection capabilities, superior to PVC and plastic materials, at present, the entire home improvement project Lvkou Ban has become indispensable materials. People tend to Lvkou Ban likened to "Kitchen of the hat"aluminum windows because he has a kitchen and bathroom improved performance and aesthetic role in protection! Currently, the industry has been in the major Lvkou Ban, universal access to medium-sized cities, and has mature, comprehensive.


South Beauty is alleged to have been listed only know how to receive management fees stranded

  When Bo equity funds across the board this year, nearly half loss of negative returns over 10%

    Boshi Fund's performance this year can be described as unsatisfactory, not only bungee's debt-based, day net loss of nearly 14%, 25% up day, and its stock funds this year negative returns across the board, nearly half of the loss of over 10%, so results , how can investors be assured. According to reports, Bo, in recent years, the backbone of investment research have fled, leaving 13 years of 20 fund managers, facing a serious shortage of talent, only to rush into battle filled teenager.


Projects boost building decoration industry elite upgrade

   September 22, the first national project manager for architectural decoration industry representatives Excellent Holiday Inn Pudong Shanghai Conference was held. China Building Decoration Association, Honorary President of the horses quite expensive, Li Bingren China Building Decoration Association, China Building Decoration Association, Vice Chairman and General Liu a, Decoration Industry Association, Shanghai Xin Guoliang, executive vice president, vice president of China Building Decoration Association Ye Decai, China Building Decoration Association, Honorary Vice President Xie Jianwei, chief engineer of China Building Decoration Association, Liu Yuan, China Building Decoration Association, Construction Commission Executive Director and Secretary-General Chen attended the Conference, to participate in this meeting within the industry as well experts and representatives from the country's nearly 600 excellent project manager decoration.


zhejiang lulei decoration main production:PVC windows,aluminum windows.